Sunday, June 27, 2010

Teariki with his pareu
Kalana and her coool pareu
Tia-Mariana and Kev
All the red shirts pondering over what they want to do for Turepu's got Talent
Ani and her this is cool
Ange, Kalana and Kana making a pareu
Uncle Steve teaching Maia and Ani and Teariki to tie dye
More fun
Albert's cooool design
Steve helping out

Saturday Tie dyeing

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Reunion 2010

The Murray Clan and their kidlets - Saturday morning - after tie dyeing pareus
Uncle John and Maria Paitai and Anaru and Amorangi visiting from Ahipara.
Clayton, Mata and Claude - Saturday morning -
Kevin prepping the geneaology papers for presentation - Friday night
Still listening to Uncle Afa

Turepu Family Reunion April 2010

Uncle Ma and Uncle Guy relaxing
Left to right: Leah, Maia and Ani
Some of the family after the morning activities
Maia with Aunty Pips
Listening to Uncle Afa and his stories about the games they used to play as kids in Rarotonga. It was hilarious - we really shoud've filmed him...I think he missed his calling as a comedian.

Here are some pictures from our Turepu Family Reunion that was held in Glen Innes, Auckland, New Zealand. 3 days of fun, family and friends.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Trevor and Vaine Clarke's wedding on 22nd April 1967. The flower girls are Janette Brown (nee Estall) and Lafala Keenan

Monday, April 19, 2010

Mama Maraeura, Maraeura, Teariki

Maraeura's 21st


Maraeura n Matilda

Family in Piopio

the Fro Bro's Touch Team - Raro 2009

Turepu Clan - NZ 2007

family in Rotorua 2008

Family in Waimamaku 2007

the Flying Dragons Hair stylists 2009

Cathy Peyroux's Graduation 2008 - Toursim

Aunty Tia n Aunty Pips Raro 2009

Uncle Sam, Uncle Albert, Uncle Paul, Aunty Nga - Raro 2009

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Royal Tahitian Dance Company

Turepu Turepu was the Choreographer of this Dance Company The opening program, March 1st 1976

Turepu Turepu composed the songs: Bora Bora, Raiatea, Apai Pai
(please correct if info is wrong)

pics by T.Peyroux on Google...

Lafala Turepus 21st Birthday 2006

From left-right: Aunty Vaine, Aunty Tuaine, Lafala Turepu, Aunty Pati, Aunty Sara