Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Royal Tahitian Dance Company

Turepu Turepu was the Choreographer of this Dance Company The opening program, March 1st 1976

Turepu Turepu composed the songs: Bora Bora, Raiatea, Apai Pai
(please correct if info is wrong)

pics by T.Peyroux on Google...


  1. Hello and my compliments and honor to your family and in respectful memory of Turepu Turepu. The melodies, the lyrics beautiful, although I do not understand Tahitian nor Cook Islands Maori. This type of music has attracted me since I was about 8 years old and found my first Polynesian performance at the Michigan State Fair.

    . In 1976 I was living in Michigan and attended the same performance that was also given by the Royal Tahitian Dance Company in Detroit. I STILL have this album, have, had played it hundreds if not a thousand times.

    I met Paulette Vienot in Papeete from contact initiated from this AWESOME night. In fact I was a house guest of hers a couple times over the yeas that followed.

    I had never met Turepu Turepu nor have I been to the Cook Islands, for which I regret both very much. Am I respectful to say may he rest in peace and honor as his own talent is one I am hope we shall see again in this world. What a wonderful talent; I can only imagine the generations of talent you have that equal this very talented soul.


    Lou Baker, Burbank CA October 28, 2011

  2. IAORANA. J'aime beaucoup la musique de la Porinetia, j'aimerais avoir les paroles de la chanson "RAIATEA" et "APAI PAI". Mauruuru roa.
